In our modern-day Catholic household, the idea of "Farewell to the Flesh" seems more like a piece of history than a religious practice. We do not have to reduce our meats because they stay fresh in the deep freeze until Easter. We simply do not have to buy more. (Fasting does tend to reduce the Lenten grocery bills!)
What we do have to reduce is our junk food. I stocked up a bit on snacks for our grand Mardi Gras party. When they are gone, they are gone. I have decided not to replenish the stock until Easter.
I gathered up all of the leftover candy from Halloween, Birthdays, Christmas, and Valentines Day, and I put it all in my second largest mixing bowl. I explained that we will enjoy candy during Lent as a dessert after meals, and when it is gone, then it is gone. Two of the boys grabbed large handfuls. The older of the two put some back for later. The younger took a few more.
There was a discussion about fair play and what if someone takes my share of sweets, even though I have been good. I told them we all have to work together to help each other. If the older ones are keeping a better eye on their younger siblings, no one will be sneaking more than their fair share. (It may come down to a measuring cup, but they will soon find that equal is not always fair.)
Therefore, heed My words. Do not be concerned about your life and what you will have to eat or drink, or about your body and what you will wear. Surely life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. Gaze upon the birds of the sky. They do not sow or reap or store in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of far greater value than they? Mt 6: 25-26