Once upon a time, a lifetime ago, a young man sought to deepen his understanding of God. He did not put much stock in formal education. In his experience the quality of the education was directly proportional to the relative agenda of the instructor. He desired the acquisition of knowledge without the unnecessary commentary. He read everything. He read the works of contemporary authors, Church Fathers, obscure saints and philosophers. It was the writings of Servant of God Bishop Guglielmo Giaquinta that changed his life forever.
This young bishop from Italy was cut of the same cloth as another young bishop of his time residing in Poland named Karol Wojtyla and another young bishop in Germany named Joseph Ratzinger. Giaquinta wrote about the philosophy that we are all called by God to be saints by virtue of our creation. He called this philosophy "The Universal Call of Holiness." Wojtyla was so impressed with this idea, that he presented it to the Second Vatican Council. It was accepted and written into the documents.
This young man had found what he was looking for. He found God in the Cenacle, the upper room, at the Last Supper. He found his seat next to St. John listening to the Heart of Christ. Come to the Cenacle. Contemplate Christ.