Since Valentine's Day is Ash Wednesday this year, I have decided to move a couple of feast days around. I have declared today: FAT MONDAY! This is the last Monday before Lent, which means this is the last day I can offer Sunday leftovers (and by leftovers, I mean CAKE) as breakfast for my children. There is no cake for breakfast in Lent. I expect there will be cake all day today since it has got to go before Wednesday.
Tomorrow we will be celebrating St. Valentines' Day. There are two St. Valentines we will be talking about as we stuff chocolate in our faces. There is no chocolate during Lent. It all has got to go.
Sometimes too much cake and candy can be a good thing. The belly aches remind me that the world's excesses are a detriment to me. The fasting is welcomed as a sigh of relief as I step away from the world.
That is not how you learned Christ. Clearly, you were told about Him and were taught what the truth is in Jesus. You were taught to cast aside the old self of your former way of life that has been corrupted by its captivating desires. You are to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self created in God's image, in the way of uprightness and holiness that belong to the truth. Eph 4: 20-24