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Pearl of Great Price

Writer's picture: Nancy TefftNancy Tefft

The upcoming school year is an important time for discernment. As a homeschooler, I find that I am searching for just the right curriculum, arranging projects and supplemental activities, and heading committees to build a better tomorrow. When it comes to multiple children in multiple activities, financial aid is sometimes a deciding factor.

In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus tells us, "Again, the Kingdom of God is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went off and sold everything he had and bought it" 45-46.

What is the pearl of great price in my life? What would I sell everything for in this life? The answer is my family. In trying to stretch the dollar, I have entered into many negotiations these last few months. I have been looking at my wares and discerning which of them can be marketed and sold. The truth is that my desire is not enough.

The pearl of great price is not my family though. It is my relationship with Jesus, and that is why I can't seem to get ahead. I am putting so much faith in me, in my abilities, that I forget the Lord God, King of the Universe is waiting to help me with all of it. All I have to do is ask.

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not permit your foot to stumble; He Who guards you will not fall asleep. Indeed, the One Who guards Israel never slumbers, never sleeps. The Lord serves as your guardian; He is at your right hand to serve as your shade. The sun will not strike during the day, nor the moon during the night. The Lord will protect you against all evil; He will watch over your life. Psalm 121: 2-7

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