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This past Sunday, Stephen and his boys performed at the Holy Family Shrine in Gretna, Nebraska. Their performance was a part of the ongoing celebration of visual and performing arts titled "Life is Beautiful."

Sundays in October gave musicians, poets, novelists and play-writes the opportunity to share their work at the Shrine, where they met monthly to encourage and inspire one another in a community called "The Fellowship of Catholic Artists."

The Fellowship is comprised mostly of moms and dads who are artists as a pastime and not by trade. Their souls long for God's beauty in art and in life, and up until now, it had been a silent longing. In conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Shrine, the artists were given their opportunity to share their talents with guests and Shrine patrons.

To learn more about the Fellowship of Catholic Artists, to see the beautiful displays of visual art, and to witness the performing arts, please join us for our closing event this Sunday, October 23rd at 2pm. Light refreshments will be served.

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