There are times when I pray for a particular petition, and I feel a heavy sense of peace. The situation worsens, but the sense of peace does not lift. God works in hidden ways. I need to be patient. Then, when it is time for the miracle to be revealed, the petition is answered. The situation is resolved.
Anxiety is not from God. Compassion is from God. I can do for others without being worried or upset. I can go through the motions God has set before me without getting lost in the feelings around me. The work is from God. The passions are not. I know they are not because every time I get lost in my feelings and passions, the work stops. If I let God work through me, I will not be lost.
Trust wholeheartedly in the Lord rather than relying on your own intelligence. In everything you do, acknowledge Him, and He will see that your paths are straight. Prov 3: 5-6
Exactly what I needed today! Thank you.