I have found that having active kids sometimes means cracks in the plaster and holes in the drywall. There are those who take the time to fix the damage. There are those who put a frame around it and show it off to the world. Personally, I am more of a hide our shame kind of person.
I have a lot of holy pictures and picture of my kids on my walls. Now, don't misunderstand, I love looking at Jesus, Mary, the saints, and my own little darlings, but I also really love not having to paint my walls for another couple of years or so.
Sometimes life offers moments when the shame I have been hiding spills out of the closets and out from under the beds. That is the moment I have to take a hard look at my life and ask, why am I keeping all of this? Is any of it helpful to me or to my family? Have I let Jesus into any of it?
And so the real work begins.
Brothers and sisters: Faith is the realization of what it hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11: 1