In the time of Jesus, sitting shiva was a custom in which the people would come together to grieve. They came together to heal and to remember that they are still God's people, and God will take care of their lost friend or family member.
Today, we have wake services, funeral services, grief counseling, and casseroles. We still seek out our friends and family who are hurting, and we feed their bodies and lift their spirits.
Today, I will be attending the wake service of a family member I knew in my childhood. Visits from her reminded me of stepping outside on a warm June morning. She was kind and joyful, she was confident and beautiful. Everyone looked forward to her coming.
Today, I will say my first good-bye to her, but it is not a day for weeping. She is with Jesus, and that is a cause for joy.
"Today is holy to the Lord your God. Do not be sad, and do not weep" -- for all the people were weeping as they heard the words of the law. [Ezra, the priest] said further: "Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared; for today is holy to our Lord. Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in our Lord must be our strength!" Nehemiah 8: 8-10