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Forces at Work

Writer's picture: Nancy TefftNancy Tefft

I have noticed a trend. When a nutrient is deemed good and helpful, it is added to everything as a way of fortifying foods. The problem with this technique is that allergies and intolerances can occur. The rise of glutton and sulfate intolerances are direct results from this fortification. It is almost as if some evil force wants to deter people from partaking in bread and wine. Oh, wait...

When I was young, I attended a parish with a stern Irish priest at the helm. He kept the church cold. What he lost in the summer months, he made up for in the winter months. He preached from the pulpit that this was the house of God. We, as His children, have a responsibility to act accordingly. There will be no bare shoulders, no casual or athletic clothing. We are not coming to a picnic. We are coming to the wedding feast of the King of the Universe. My Dad wore a suit and tie every Sunday. My Mom wore a dress, stockings, and heels. My sister and I were miniatures of Mom, and my brother served Mass.

When our priest retired, the new priest did not preach these things from the pulpit. He did not know the congregation needed reminders to be virtuous. In less than a year, 25 years of good work was laid aside. Ushers, lectors and EMHCs wore shorts. Women and their daughters were wearing halter tops and miniskirts. The pastor raised the temperature in the church to help his congregation feel comfortable in God's house. At least they were coming to Mass.

Climbing a ladder is a lot more difficult than sliding down a slide. It takes a lot more time and perseverance. Sliding down a slide takes no real effort at all. The case could be made that both take place in the same location. They are not the same form of participation.

I went to a Mass out of town, and the greeter asked if I was in town for a wedding. It seemed like the only reason to her that my family and I would be dressed as we were. On one hand, yes, we were there for a wedding, but we were also there for Mass. These were our wedding garments. Whether it be friends newly joined in holy matrimony or the wedding feast of the Lamb, this is what we wear.

The priest thanked us for dressing up for Mass.

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