Today, I decided to sleep in. I find it is easier to hide under the covers than to get up, get ready, and look for a place to hide someplace else. If I had an office, I would hide there. I have to hide someplace my babies can find me. If they find me, we can hide from the world together.
One thing that my bed does not have is a breakfast bar. If I want coffee and waffles, I have to get out of bed and make the treacherous journey down the hall to the kitchen. Anything can happen. Bad news is not limited to newspapers and streaming platforms.
It takes an incredible amount of courage to push through the storm of life. There is a constant resistance that waxes and wanes at seemingly random intervals. Life is messy, and there is a vast library of bad memories that the evil one can distort and replay to the detriment of one's soul. And yet, I am still here. Hiding. Waiting to be found.
I wait for the Lord in anxious expectation; I place my hope in His Word. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the dawn. Psalm 130: 5-6